My boyfriend is cataloging my books for me. I think a big chunk is because he is nice, but he also wants the practice with the new-ish keyboard alternative. Finally, he used to work at a library and it already bugs him that I group by books by subgenre instead of alphabetically. I thought I had a catalog of my textbooks, so I went looking through old lists. I don't have one of textbooks, but I do have a list of all the books I read from Feb 2007 to Feb 2008, complete with pagecounts. I kept track then (as now) so I can ensure that I am reading enough to stay happy. I needed baseline data for that in college, so I logged everything. As now, I am only logging books I read in whole, or complete short stories.
The interesting period in the middle of the year was the summer of alphabetical reading. I was working at a coffee/ice cream shop between the comp sci building and the engineering campus. After about 2pm, it was the closest non-vending machine general food source for the med college and the math/physics/chemistry departments. It was tons of fun to interact with all these smart people who functioned a lot like me. The summer of '07, I wasn't taking classes and I didn't have research work, so I had massive amounts of free time. I asked my customers for book suggestions. The idea was that I would read one book for each letter of the alphabet, by author last name. Some of the letters were very hard to fill in. I was introduced to many new books and I've continued reading a number of the authors. I did read other books between authors that summer--just 26 books (even when #26 is the entire Amber series) was not enough.
The niftiest part was finding out that the engineering library had ~15 fiction books. A lot of the librarians didn't even know that.
Start Date End Date Title Author Pages total_f
9-Feb 10-Feb Glory Road R. A. Heinlein 294 294
10-Feb 10-Feb Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov 270 564
11-Feb 11-Feb The Naked Sun Isaac Asimov 269 833
12-Feb 13-Feb On a Pale Horse Piers Anthony 325 1158
13-Feb 14-Feb Bearing an Hourglass Piers Anthony 371 1529
15-Feb 16-Feb Dune Frank Herbert 535 2064
16-Feb 17-Feb Assignment in Eternity R. A. Heinlein 276 2340
18-Feb 23-Feb The Man Who Sold the Moon R. A. Heinlein 238 2578
13-Feb 23-Feb Penguin Book of Leider divers 189 2767
26-Feb 3-Mar Illustrated Man Ray Bradbury 186 2953
1-Mar 7-Mar Glory Season David Brin 772 3725
7-Mar 16-Apr Glory Season David Brin 772 4497
15-Mar 16-Mar Sundiver David Brin 340 4837
16-Mar 19-Mar Hyperion Dan Simmons 482 5319
20-Mar 2-Apr Hyperion Dan Simmons 482 5801
20-Mar 21-Mar The Wee Free Men Terry Pratchett 375 6176
21-Mar 24-Apr Sundiver David Brin 340 6516
22-Mar 24-Mar The Stochastic Man Robert Silverburg 240 6756
24-Mar 25-Mar Slant Greg Bear 506 7262
26-Mar 12-Apr Beowolf Burton Raffel 100 7362
26-Mar 22-Jul Brighter than a Thousand Suns Robert Jungk 360 7722
27-Mar 30-Mar Weilding a Red Sword Piers Anthony 313 8035
2-Apr 4-Apr With a Tangled Skein Piers Anthony 404 8439
13-Apr 1-Aug Beowolf Burton Raffel 100 8539
11-May 16-May The Dragon Reborn Robert Jordan 674 9213
12-May 15-May The Rest of the Robots Isaac Asimov 556 9769
16-May 18-May Nebula Awards 31 edited by Pamela Sargent 331 10100
19-May 20-May Infinity's Shore David Brin 524 10624
20-May 23-May Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell: A Novel Susanna Clarke 782 11406
24-May 26-May Lord Valentine's Castle Robert Silverburg 446 11852
25-May 25-May Ubik Philip K. Dick 216 12068
25-May 5-Jun The Worm Ouroboros E. R. Eddison 444 12512
26-May 28-May Valentine Pontifex Robert Silverburg 368 12880
27-May 29-May Pebble in the Sky Isaac Asimov 223 13103
31-May 3-Jun The Currents of Space Isaac Asimov 217 13320
4-Jun 4-Jun Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Richard Feynman 346 13666
6-Jun 8-Jun The Origins of the Future John Gribbin 276 13942
9-Jun 9-Jun Stainless Steel Visions Harry Harrison 254 14196
10-Jun 11-Jun The World According to Garp John Irving 437 14633
20-Jun 21-Jun Master's Choice edited by Laurence Janifer 350 14983
22-Jun 22-Jun Lonesome Gods Louis L'Amour 450 15433
23-Jun 29-Jun The Source James Michener 909 16342
30-Jun 2-Jul Laughing Space edited by Asimov 521 16863
1-Jul 1-Jul My Name is Asher Lev Chaim Potak 369 17232
2-Jul 3-Jul The Persian Boy Mary Renault 419 17651
3-Jul 4-Jul The Fall of Hyperion Dan Simmons 517 18168
3-Jul 23-Aug Down and Out in London and Paris George Orwell 106 18274
6-Jul 9-Jul The Stand Stephen King 1153 19427
10-Jul 10-Jul Slaughterhouse Five Kurt Vonnegut 215 19642
11-Jul 22-Jul One Man's Bible Gao Xingjian 450 20092
13-Jul 15-Jul Snow Crash Neal Stephenson 471 20563
18-Jul 9-Aug Sundiver David Brin 340 20903
18-Jul 21-Jul Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince J. K. Rowling 652 21555
21-Jul 21-Jul Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J. K. Rowling 759 22314
25-Jul 26-Jul Mama Day Gloria Naylor 312 22626
28-Jul 15-Aug The Winds of War Herman Wouk 885 23511
2-Aug 14-Aug Snow Crash Neal Stephenson 471 23982
1-Aug 18-Aug Monster of God David Quammen 513 24495
19-Aug 22-Aug Dune Frank Herbert 535 25030
22-Aug 26-Sep War and Peace Leo Tolstoy 696 25726
23-Aug 23-Aug The Chronicles of Amber, Vol 1 Roger Zelanzy 338 26064
24-Aug 24-Aug The Chronicles of Amber, Vol 2 Roger Zelanzy 434 26498
24-Aug 25-Aug The Telling Ursula K. LeGuin 264 26762
25-Aug 26-Aug Unicorn Variations Roger Zelanzy 249 27011
27-Aug 7-Sep Unicorn Variations Roger Zelanzy 249 27260
30-Aug 31-Aug The Color of Magic Terry Pratchett 210 27470
1-Sep 3-Sep The Disposessed Ursula K. LeGuin 311 27781
3-Sep 5-Sep The Cat Who Walks Through Walls R. A. Heinlein 388 28169
7-Sep 7-Sep The Last Yggdrasill Robert F. Young 135 28304
8-Sep 8-Sep Trump of Doom Roger Zelanzy 183 28487
8-Sep 8-Sep Blood of Amber Roger Zelanzy 215 28702
8-Sep 9-Sep Sign of Chaos Roger Zelanzy 214 28916
9-Sep 9-Sep Knight of Shadows Roger Zelanzy 251 29167
9-Sep 9-Sep Prince of Chaos Roger Zelanzy 225 29392
9-Sep 10-Sep The Chronicles of Amber, Vol 1 Roger Zelanzy 338 29730
11-Sep 14-Sep The Chronicles of Amber, Vol 2 Roger Zelanzy 434 30164
14-Sep 15-Sep Trump of Doom Roger Zelanzy 183 30347
15-Sep 15-Sep Blood of Amber Roger Zelanzy 215 30562
15-Sep 15-Sep Sign of Chaos Roger Zelanzy 214 30776
15-Sep 15-Sep Knight of Shadows Roger Zelanzy 251 31027
15-Sep 16-Sep Prince of Chaos Roger Zelanzy 225 31252
16-Sep 28-Sep The Winds Twelve Quarters Ursula K. LeGuin 277 31529
28-Sep 28-Sep Pawn of Phophecy David Eddings 258 31787
30-Sep 30-Sep Queen of Sorcery David Eddings 322 32109
1-Oct 2-Oct Magician's Gambit David Eddings 320 32429
3-Oct 3-Oct Castle of Wizardry David Eddings 384 32813
3-Oct 5-Oct Enchanter's Endgame David Eddings 384 33197
7-Oct 10-Oct Game of Thrones George R. R. Martin 835 34032
10-Oct 13-Oct A Clash of Kings George R. R. Martin 1040 35072
13-Oct 14-Oct Changing Planes Ursula K. LeGuin 246 35318
14-Oct 16-Oct Lord of Light Roger Zelanzy 257 35575
16-Oct 24-Oct The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth, and Other stories Roger Zelanzy 229 35804
24-Oct 1-Nov Prisoners of the Stars Isaac Asimov 538 36342
5-Nov 17-Nov A Storm of Swords George R. R. Martin 924 37266
17-Nov 17-Nov Moonraker Ian Fleming 247 37513
21-Nov 22-Nov Mask of Loki Roger Zelanzy 340 37853
22-Nov 23-Nov Kiln People David Brin 568 38421
23-Nov 25-Nov Starship Troopers Isaac Asimov 309 38730
26-Nov 1-Dec Singularity Sky Charles Stross 337 39067
2-Dec 5-Dec Patriot Games Tom Clancy 503 39570
6-Dec 8-Dec The Venetian Affair Helen MacInnes 352 39922
14-Dec 14-Dec Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel Scott Adams 350 40272
14-Dec 21-Dec Feast for Crows George R. R. Martin 978 41250
20-Dec 27-Dec In the Beginning … Isaac Asimov 227 41477
23-Dec 24-Dec Gray Lensman E. E. "Doc" Smith 253 41730
24-Dec 30-Dec The Early Ayn Rand Ayn Rand 528 42258
27-Dec 27-Dec Neuromancer William Gibson 271 42529
21-Dec 4-Jan Asimov's Guide to the Bible, Vol. 2 Isaac Asimov 557 43086
5-Jan 21-Jan Cardinal of the Kremlin Tom Clancy 624 43710
7-Jan 18-Jan Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson 1152 44862
24-Jan 26-Jan Half Life Hal Clement 252 45114
26-Jan 28-Jan The Salmon of Doubt Douglas Adams 299 45413
31-Jan 4-Feb Selected Stories Theodore Sturgeon 439 45852
4-Feb 5-Feb Isle of the Dead Roger Zelanzy 201 46053
6-Feb 9-Feb I Dreamt Revolution William Reswick 328 46381
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