Recently, Rudy Rucker released his Ware tetralogy as a CC licensed ebook. I read Software a few years ago (found at the same time as The Slaughterhouse Five in Wendt Library). Unfortunately, the books have gone out of print and most libraries do not have any of the books. I've yet to run across one in a used bookstore either. It was a bit uncomfortable to read 703 pages on my laptop screen. I should have transferred over to the netbook, but that means I can't switch between the book and general computer usage as easily.
These books are sometimes disturbing. There is a lot of sex and violence and violation. There is also a lot of imagery and introspection and commentary. I think it was worth my time. Even though Rucker pioneered the ___punk genre, I have never enjoyed his work as much as others'--Gibson for example. I think the difference is the prevalence of drugs because that's not something I can empathize with. Also, I have a harder time staying interested in the hard science of biology or the tough math. Rucker definitely knows his math. These stories have people, not heros. There are events and people sometimes lead through the events and sometimes react.
Also, the ending kind of sucks. Well, it is a very happy ending and that feels weird after everything that has happened in the Ware universe.
Pages: 703 (didn't read the foreword or Software)
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