I don't like when the two characters clearly meant to be together are forced apart by the story. No. If people are happy together I don't care how cliched it may be, I want them to live happily ever after insomuch as they stay together no matter what happens.
I was also kind of disappointed that the original universe wasn't continued in this book. I really enjoyed the just slightly different world in the Eyre Affair. I just don't have nearly as much interest in jumping into books. Once the book jumping is postulated, a lot becomes possible. And I don't mean interesting plot lines become possible. If there is a hard situation, it is just required that someone read something and then there is no longer a problem.
I'll still keep on reading these books. I hope the next book is better, but I won't get to it for a long time. I think part of my flagging interest in Fford is that his stories aren't epic enough. I always feel like he has this wonderful universe, but uses it for young adult writing or something.
Pages: 399
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